Get in touch

with the pianist

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Read the FAQ’s

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Frequently asked questions

Can we have a say in the repertoire?
Of course.  Click on my repertoire list and choose the songs you want to have ion your own playlist.

What about songs which are not on your repertoire list?
Whenever possible, I’ll try and work out your favourite song.

Can we dance to your music?
Yes, in principle, but you should note, however, that important elements required for dance music will be missing, i.e. drums and bass. For a more dance-oriented evening, ‘only’ a piano is less suitable. Saying that, my music has inspired spontaneous dancing from many guests on many occasions.

Do we have any say about the volume?
Absolutely. Though as I continually adjust the volume of my playing to suit the conditions, your intervention should not really be necessary. However, should anyone feel it needs to be adjusted, I will gladly oblige.

We would like to hear you live before we make our decision. Is that possible?
Unfortunately not, as I almost exclusively play at private and corporate events. However, I am happy to welcome you to my piano room where you can get to know me and my music.

How long do you usually play in an evening?
Normally I am on site for 5 hours and play for about 4.  Longer or shorter times are, however, not a problem; just indicate how long you require on the enquiry form.