Pianist Daniel Zehnder – the musician for your birthday

Top-class musical entertainment: Music at the birthday played by pianist Daniel Zehnder.

Finding the right music for your birthday is not an easy task. Choosing a pianist is the right decision; a professional piano player understands how to tailor their music to the circumstances and the wishes of the client. As the musician for your birthday I can deliver the perfect musical entertainment according to your wishes: Solo or as a two-piece, from jazzy, cocktail party sounds to subtle background music – a tailor-made Musical accompaniment with a repertoire designed to fit the ‘age’ of your event.

Why not offer your guests something special? Upon request, I can present a witty, charming and spectacular music show, either as one of the highlights of the evening, a surprise for the guests, or perhaps even a surprise for the birthday boy or Girl?

The right instrument for your event and for your budget

You want a pianist, but you have no instrument available? Are you planning an event in a specific place, such as in an open field, on a lakeside, in a marquee or on ship and you are looking for the right music? Upon request, the instrument which best suits your event and your budget can be arranged for you, including delivery and return. Innovative solutions, such as digital pianos allow for unusual locations and uses.

More information and specifications on the instruments available can be found here: